3D printing is still largely the realm of geeks and nerds – most of which are probably fans of Star Wars. So here we compile a list of some of the BEST 3D models related to Star Wars that you can print yourself with your 3D printer. Ironically, my daughter Gracie has not yet seen Star Wars – but we expect to watch the movie soon with her!
Star Wars Stuff to 3D Print

1) X Wing Fighter by Designs27 (Cults3D)

2) Millennium Falcon by aaskedall (Thingiverse)

3) Clone Trooper by Killonious (Thingiverse)

4) Imperial Star Destroyer by nikoli2803 (Thingiverse)

5) TIE Interceptor by DavidHanwell (Thingiverse)

6) Luke Skywalker Light Saber by UnimatrixRed (Thingiverse)

8) Imperial AT-AT Walker by Designs 41 (Cults3D)
If you are having any trouble printing out any of these objects – please check out some of the other resources here on the blog like my recent post on retraction settings (Retraction in Action)
May the force be with you!