15 of the most interesting, fascinating & fun mechanical models you can print with your 3D printer.
We have found it a little tedious to search & navigate Thingiverse lately. So we decided to build & publish our own hit list of things we intend on printing – so it would be easily accessible and at the ready.
We intend on having different categories in the future – but figured we would start with the best & most interesting mechanical models first. So if you are looking for some great ideas for 3D printing projects – this is a good place to start!
We will be adding to this post as we discover new amazing mechanical models to 3D print & would greatly appreciate any suggestions!
15 Amazing Mechanical Models to 3D Print!

1) Predator Grabber by ecoiras (Thingiverse)
STATUS: Printed! February 2020 OK – this was one of those items I was REALLY looking forward to printing! We’ve only printed this once – and it LOOKED really good! However, we were not able to get it to work – because the parts stuck together too much. You can see more about our experience printing the model here: Fantastic 3D Prints & Epic Failures! WHAT I WOULD CHANGE: So I do think this definitely LOOKS impressive. However, if I were to print this again I would probably tinker it first and make some of the supports more robust. Even if I could get the parts to not stick together – it appears that the parts supporting the gears are just too flimsy to really provide any significant rigidity to the pliers.

2) Knurled Twist Container by rayperkins (Thingiverse)
STATUS: Printed! February 2020 This was another item I was really looking forward to printing. Yes, with some of these items – we were definitely over ambitious for being such novices. I printed this item out WAY TOO LARGE! You can see more about our experience printing the model here: Fantastic 3D Prints & Epic Failures! Our print of this was usable – but required a LOT of clean up! WHAT I WOULD CHANGE: Like the predator pliers, if I were to print this again I would probably tinker it first and make the top & bottom of the container THICKER & more robust.

3) Trammel of Archimedies by mtairymd (Thingiverse)
STATUS: Printed! April 2020 I really like this gadget! This was the first item we printed that was comprised of a few separate pieces and had to assemble with screws. This turned out really well and I am glad we used contrasting colors! It functions well and everyone in the family likes this little fidget gadget! You can see more about our experience printing the model here: Fantastic 3D Prints & Epic Failures April 2020! WHAT I WOULD CHANGE: When we print this out again we will most likely tinker it a little. I think we will make the base a little thicker & substantial and probably make the 3 shuttles a little longer. There were other models with more than 3 shuttles – but I think starting with the 3 shuttle model was a wise choice.

4) Fidget Infinity Cube by acurazine (Thingiverse)

STATUS: Printed! December 2020 I was a little concerned with how this would turn out – but excited to try. I was optimistic when I took it off the printer – but then a little frustrated with the joints between the cubes sticking a little. I continued to mechanically work it – and eventually got it to move with pretty good fluidity. We printed this with color changing PLA. WHAT I WOULD CHANGE: I will probably try this one again – but will use both a raft and I will most likely try printing the model at a lower temperature. Gracie has had really good results with several mechanical models at 175° C for PLA – and that is probably where I would start. We are occasionally getting a little clogging of the extruder at this temperature – but the moving parts are coming off the printer moving with perfect fluidity & detail.

5) Labyrinth Gift Box by sneakypoo (Thingiverse)

6) Air Spinner by walter (Thingiverse)

7) Planetary Gearset 04 by ekalfwonS (Thingiverse)
Status: Printed November 2021 – but not successfully yet. I’ve printed this twice – and it LOOKS great – but I still can’t get it to function yet. It is a lot of gear surface area that’s in very close proximity – resulting in a lot of opportunities for small dimensional inaccuracies to prevent it from turning.

8) Mario Chomp Chain by Fragrantabyss (Cults3D)

9) Pistol Mechanical Gripper by Inprogressdesigns (Cults3D)

10) Balcony Circular Box Plasticbarista (Cults3D)

11) Differential Gears by Morrisblue (Cults3D)

12) Mechanical Boat by GreenDot (Thingiverse)

13) Print-in-Place Spring Loaded Box by Designs 31 (Cults3D)

14) Venus Box by Prot0typ1cal (Thingiverse)
Status: Printed December 2021 This is a pretty cleaver design. It is printed in pieces – so it is relatively easy to print. The creator indicates to print the model at 20% infill. I would at least double that to 40% if you are using PLA – as I I had one of the clasps break during assembly. It didn’t affect the functioning of the model – but might prevent me from being able to disassembling the model and successfully reassembling it.

15) Counter 7 Segments by Fhuable (Cults3D)