

My name is Chip and I am the trophy husband to my wife Melani and blessed father to 4 wonderful children! I definitely score very high on the geek / nerd spectrum assessment test and have a wide variety of interests. Deep down I think I aspire to be a true renaissance man!

Answers to The Most Common Questions About 3D Printing!

3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is a process of creating three-dimensional objects by building up layers of material. This technology has been around for decades, but it has become increasingly popular in recent years due to advancements in…

3D Printing Basics & the Different Types of 3D Printing

3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is a process of creating three-dimensional objects by laying down thin, successive layers of material. This technology has been around for decades, but in recent years it has become more accessible and affordable…