A FREE toolkit & resources for 3D printing beginners!
General 3D Printing Tools
- Yeggi: A search engine for 3D printable models! It’s a lot easier to just use Yeggi than going to Thingiverse, then cults3D…etc to find a 3D model for something specific. Just type in what you are looking for in the search box on the Yeggi site and you will get the results with images of the 3D models. Just click on the model and it will take you right to the repository’s website where the model is located and you can download it from there.
- Microsoft 3D Builder:
- Free – great tool to convert 2D images (jpg & png files) to .STL files for 3D printing! But you HAVE to make sure that you are using an image with enough resolution! If the image is of INSUFICIENT resolutions it will look like a bunch of spikes in the program. We use this to create ceiling art for the kids. We 3D print the flat objects out of glow-in-the-dark filament and then stick it to their ceilings. It is also helpful to make 3D printable signatures. I find this works better than most of online tools for accomplishing the same thing – and is more powerful.
- This is ALSO a great tool for reducing the STL file size of your 3D models by using the SIMPLIFY feature in the edit menu. You can read my post HERE about how to do this!
- OctoPi (OctoPrint): The OctoPi / OctoPrint allows you to remotely control & monitor your 3D printer from a web browser. It also allows you to make time-lapse videos of your prints – even moving the printer head out of the way for each photo! Finally – it allows us to be in a different room from the 3D printer – yet be able to monitor and watch it – which greatly eased my safety and health concerns! We love the OctoPi & really can’t imagine interacting with our 3D printer any other way!
- Cura: (Free Slicing Software) is opensource software (developed and maintained by Ultimaker), which many consider to be the gold standard in slicing. It also works with OctoPrint – which we use to control our 3D printer remotely. See our post: What is Slicing for 3D Printing? Why Do I Need to Do it? How Do I Do It?
- IdeaMaker: (Raise3D): (Free slicing software -but not opensource) Many people I respect in the 3D printer community really like IdeaMaker. Some like the interface and others feel it is more stable than Cura. Although it is made to work with Raise3D printers, it works well with printers made by other manufacturers for which there are profiles.
- Aspose: Compress & manipulate STL files online (Free).
- 3DLess: Reduce the number of vertices for your 3D Model (STL file format) online (Free).
- QRCode2STL: Easily create a 3D Printable QR code.
Manipulate Images to Create 3D Objects
- Convert a PNG or JPG file to an SVG format: Convertio.co.
- Convert SVG file to an STL file for 3D printing: SVG2STL.com.
3D Design Websites
These are the online CAD style tools we use to design and edit models.
- 3D Slash – (Beginner Level) Not as powerful as TinkerCAD – but more intuitive. Good way to get the kids into designing.
- TinkerCAD – (Beginner Level) Easy to use and powerful! Our go-to website for design.
- OnShape – (Beginner to Intermediate Level) Still pretty easy to use – but much more powerful than TinkerCAD!
- Fusion 360 by Autodesk. (Intermediate – To Advanced Level) This is a link to the FREE download and resources for students. There are other extended free trials as well – but I picked this one here because it is where I pointed my daughter to for learning more about Fusion 360 and to download it.
3D Design Programs
- Microsoft 3D Builder (Free)
- Blender (Free & open source)
- FreeCAD (Free & open source)
Best Places to Search & Download 3D Models
These are our favorite places (repositories) to go to get 3D models.
- Yeggi: Search engine for 3D models
- Thingiverse: Repository for 3D models
- Cults3D: Repository for 3D models
- Printables.com: Repository for 3D models.
- GrabCAD.com: Library of shared CAD files. Generally, more specialized & purposeful models than the other 3D model repository websites.
- Hobby3DPrinting Cool Ideas: Features some cool ideas of things to print & customize.
3D Printing Websites & Discussion Groups
Here are some other resources you may find helpful for guidance, entertainment, troubleshooting & tips and even ideas of what to print. I hope to be adding to this as we discover more useful resources.
- Website: All3DP.com
- Website: 3dprintbeginner.com
- Website: Hobby3DPrinting.com (This website)
- reddit: 3D printing news
- reddit: Ender 3
- reddit: Functional 3D Printing
- Facebook: 3D Printing for noobs (Beginners)
- Facebook: 3D Printing Useful Things!
- Facebook: 3D Printing Geeks
- Facebook: Creality 3D Ender-3 & Ender-3 Pro

3D Printing Services
For when you can’t print something, or want it printed in an exotic material…
- Craftcloud
- Marketplace of 3D printers. Like Amazon…
- 16 different 3D printing technologies offered
- 63+ unique materials offered
- Supports >35 file types
- I like All3DP’s service Craftcloud3D.com – since it is a price comparison service for many different 3D printers and it covers an amazing array of different materials with which things can be printed! I can’t wait until I can find something I can justify being printed in titanium! (OK- I finally did it! Read about my experience here: Hiring An Online 3D Printing Service – Everything You Need to Know!
- Shapeways
- Marketplace of 3D Printers?
- Not as much information about material
- Xometry
- MakeXYZ
- Sculpteo
- 3D Experience Marketplace
- Treatstock
- Fast Radius
- Kraftwurx
- Materialise OnSite
- ProtoLabs
- SD3D
- WhiteClouds
- Stratasys
- Hubs
- i.Materialise
Calibration Tools & Models for Your 3D Printer

Compact Temperature Calibration Tower by gaaZolee (Thingiverse)

Basic Retraction Test by SouthwesterAppliedPhysics (Thingiverse)

Benchy by CreativeTools (Thingiverse)